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===Meeting Minutes===

== Design ==
[,_2012 Meeting June 8 2012]
<br>[,_2012 Meeting June 23 2012]
* Replace event box with info box
<br>[,_2012 Meeting July 20 2012]
*Remove calendar
<br>[,_2012 Meeting August 8 2012]
*Add an About section 
<br>[,_2012 Meeting August 13 2012]
*More stylized and modern Main Page. Maybe smaller pictures that enlarge when you run your mouse over them. 
<br>[,_2012 Meeting August 16 2012]
* If the facet map slows the site down too much, it should be discarded in favor of a high functioning website. 
<br>[,_2012 Meeting August 20 2012]
*Dead space in between the homepage and the full body text there is a lot of blank space.
<br>[,_2012 Meeting August 27 2012]
<br>[,_2012 Meeting September 3 2012]
<br>[,_2012 Meeting September 17 2012]
<br>[,_2012 Meeting September 24 2012]
<br>[,_2012 Meeting May 23 2013]
* Would this format also allow for additional content (subjective, stories) to be added to our wiki, if so desired? Additional content (not from the wikipedia article), would not be updated.  
<br>[,_2013 Meeting July 14 2013]
* If we decide on this route, would we have to wait for another week or so for this to be ready? We won't be meeting until end of next week, so I'm not sure whether you'd need to discuss with the designer before implementation.
<br>[,_2014 Meeting August 24 2014]
* Would this format also allow for the "info box" template? Most wikipedia articles have this template, however ours does not. The possibility of an info box has been brought up in initial meetings as well-whether we can make the AC wiki more like wikipedia articles to ease navigation.
<u>Design2 </u>
<b> the draft design</b>
* How to make sure that the Asian-Canadian wikipedia lists have a presence.
* Some pictures don’t show up on the main page.
Renee notes from July 26 2012
I think we need to define the mandate to include what differentiates ACW from Wikipedia, why it’s helpful to the average user etc. 
== Usability ==
Notes from Elena - July 9 2012
* How standardized do we want this wiki to be? In terms of Aspects, which ones do we use
== Content ==
* Is there a way to edit titles of pages?
Can “move” pages to a different title.
* How to delete pages?
Need administrator privilege.
* VJ Pillow – his link does not work anymore. Follow up with Rob?
* Ryoko Itabashi? Has page, but does not show up in search for “Ryoko” (
Facet Map: links working?I go to Facet Map, then click “Montréal”. Sinha Danse link goes to (image) a page that says “There is currently no text for this page”
*Uploading photos: picture uploads, but the page goes blank and I have to “go back” and then retype the jpeg name. 
*Simultaneous Update: Again, I’m not sure of the feasibility of this.   Since much of our content comes from Wikipedia, to me it makes sense that as information is updated in Wikipedia, it should also update on the Asian Canadian Wikipedia. 
== Server==
== Process ==
== Support ==
== Outreach ==
* Soft Launch date: Monday, August 27th 2012
* Hard Launch date: Monday, September 10th 2012
== Communications ==
[,_2012 Meeting June 23 2012]

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Latest revision as of 03:45, 5 September 2014