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Social media brands

1. Building an Audience (Using Ping.fm and the Following Tools)

Using Ping.fm users will be able to post to multiple social networks simultaneously.

Once you set up ping.fm, create a Facebook Page which is tied to the service as it will appear in News Feeds every time users update the Page’s status. Creating a Facebook Event is also key, as well as having guests and members update their own status.

2.Optimize the event for social media sharing

With smartphones, users are able to stream key portions of events, keeping in mind that users don’t have to stream everything – just the good stuff. Live services like qik.com make this possible, and, if not, users can always use www.youtube.com. One can also do live-polling with a tool like www.polleverywhere.com.

3. Post-event social media communication

To ensure that your event leaves a lasting impression, users are able to upload photos to Flickr and post videos on YouTube.