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Janet Lumb, was born in Toronto, lived in Vancouver for 10 years, and has lived the majority of her life in Montreal with all 3 cities she calls home. As a 3rd generation Chinese Canadian, artist and community organizer, Janet loves to play, explore, discover, collaborate and work with artists in multidisciplinary settings. A social activist in heart, mind and spirit, Janet is inspired by people, culture, ecology and education.  Determined to defy Canada’s geographic borders, she aims to connect artists, individuals, communities and publics in a virtual, profound and engaging way with Asian Canadian Wiki. This database of all things Asian Canadians is a way for Asian Canadians to self represent, break stereotypes and combat racism. A great believer in the chaos theory and that there is order in chaos, Janet continues taking chances in the magic of the moment.
Janet Lumb, was born in Toronto, lived in Vancouver for 10 years, and has lived the majority of her life in Montreal with all 3 cities she calls home. As a 3rd generation Chinese Canadian, artist and community organizer, Janet loves to play, explore, discover, collaborate and work with artists in multidisciplinary settings. A social activist in heart, mind and spirit, Janet is inspired by people, culture, ecology and education.  Determined to defy Canada’s geographic borders, she aims to connect artists, individuals, communities and publics in a virtual, profound and engaging way with Asian Canadian Wiki. This database of all things Asian Canadians is a way for Asian Canadians to self represent, break stereotypes and combat racism. A great believer in the chaos theory and that there is order in chaos, Janet continues taking chances in the magic of the moment.
==== 2016 Presentation, Asian Canadian Wiki at U of T Scarborough====

Revision as of 16:11, 9 January 2016

Version français

Janet Lumb



Janet Lumb, was born in Toronto, lived in Vancouver for 10 years, and has lived the majority of her life in Montreal with all 3 cities she calls home. As a 3rd generation Chinese Canadian, artist and community organizer, Janet loves to play, explore, discover, collaborate and work with artists in multidisciplinary settings. A social activist in heart, mind and spirit, Janet is inspired by people, culture, ecology and education. Determined to defy Canada’s geographic borders, she aims to connect artists, individuals, communities and publics in a virtual, profound and engaging way with Asian Canadian Wiki. This database of all things Asian Canadians is a way for Asian Canadians to self represent, break stereotypes and combat racism. A great believer in the chaos theory and that there is order in chaos, Janet continues taking chances in the magic of the moment.

2013 Presentation, Asian Canadian Wiki at Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library at U of T

Presentation: ancestry, culture,community,my mother, Asian Heritage Month, Festival Accès Asie, cultural politics, Asian Canadian Wiki. The Asian Canadian Wiki was created in the context of the democratization of knowledge/ technology, citizen participation, popular education, opensource, blogging and Wikipedia. With the phenomena of living globally in our hands and homes, virtual realities and international migrations, culture and community plays an even more pertinent role in the 21st century.

Presentation links Jean Lumb Foundation

Peter Jackson’s definition of cultural politics: “the domain in which meanings are constructed and negotiated, where relations of dominance and subordination are defined and contested,” papers in this session will discuss how understandings of exclusion, fragmentation, and disconnect intersect with culturally constructed social divisions such as ethnicity, race, gender, nationality, religion, class, age-grade, and/or sexuality.

Festival Accès Asie, Montreal Asian Heritage Festival

Arts and technology, OBORO and Accès Asie-1998

Zab Maboungou/Compagnie Danse Nyata Nyata and William Lau, Little Pear Garden Collective, 2005

Asian Canadian Wiki -2009 National Asian Heritage Month Symposium

Citizen participation Sherry Arnstein Sherry Arnstein discusses eight types of participation in A Ladder of Citizen Participation (1969). Often termed as "Arnstein's ladder", these are broadly categorized as: Citizen Power: Citizen Control, Delegated Power, Partnership. Tokenism: Placation, Consultation, Informing. Non-participation: Therapy, Manipulation. citizen participation: redistribution of power that enables the have-not citizens, presently excluded from the political and economic processes, to be deliberately included in the future. arnsteinsladder.html&h=357&w=387&sz=16&tbnid=10Sr663Ul_hHgM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=98&zoom=1&usg=__j-M7GQnA41g-tV8RkLtpjrzYIXE=&docid=sR58-rUWd5kOaM&sa=X&ei=EiJfUdCbFtO-4APetIGoCw&ved=0CEgQ9QEwBA&dur=2730

related influences and inspirations to my presentation...

popular education

Paulo Freire

Open Documentary Lab