Shenpenn Khymsar

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Shenpenn Khymsar



Shenpenn Khymsar’s feature documentary debut «Journey of a Dream» is the first of its kind to document the political and emotional struggle of life as a Tibetan refugee, who got a chance to live the dream of possibilities in the Western world through an unconventional form of expression – Heavy Metal. This revolutionary politically driven Rock-U-mentary is the first of its kind to put a spotlight on the hidden musical talents of his birth place Darjeeling that struggles to survive much less get noticed. Journey of a Dream takes a candid look into the lives of generations of Tibetan refugees in Darjeeling, Dharmsala, New York and Canada. Tibetans all over the world are politically, philosophically, and spiritually loyal to their history, culture which is what keeps the dream of a free Tibet alive for future generations. For Khymsar expressing his dedication and love for his occupied homeland Tibet through Heavy Metal, a musical form as complex and undeniably passionate as his own struggle, was a natural evolution.

Journey of a Dream follows Khymsar’s return back to his birthplace of Darjeeling after more than a decade in North America. The breathtaking beauty of the Himalayas and the cities of Darjeeling and Dharmsala, home to thousands of Tibetans Still living as Refugees after more than 50 years outside their homeland, reveals the beauty and humble nature of an ancient nation living in exile for the first time in their history. After a life starting out in exile, Khymsar finally found a home in Vancouver and an opportunity to live his dream as a Heavy Metal musician.

Darjeeling’s vibrant underground music scene is an outlet and expression for much of the frustration that exists for so many people born in a country struggling to retain its own national identity after two centuries of foreign occupation. A strong western musical influence led many to express their pain as a result of ethnic, cultural and political tension, through music, and in particular, Rock and Roll. For decades, the ethnically diverse population of Darjeeling has been home to a fascinating underground musical community which is made up of many talented Nepalese, Tibetan and Indian rock musicians who find unity through their passion for music. Yet unlike the west, the dream of being recognized outside of a small underground following, was and still is not a reality, as they are continually marginalized and ignored by the mainstream media, local and federal government in India.

Journey of a Dream offers the audience a unique and intimate perspective of modern Darjeeling and its wealth of talented musicians continually working towards recognition in Darjeeling and one day the world. From these same roots the documentary investigates the ongoing Fight for a Free Tibet that is being taken on by more Tibetan Youth, in partnership with people from all over the world who are united in the pursuit of a non violent resolution to the Chinese Occupation of Tibet. Through continued awareness campaigns and grassroots activism, music as well is often used as a tool to raise awareness for human rights issues. As an activist, Khymsar draws parallels to explain how an unconventional style of music, Heavy Metal, has helped him become a better Buddhist, and a better human being.

Khymsar’s story of searching for a sense of belonging in a land outside of his own is one that is shared by many Tibetans who are born in exile or were forced to seek refuge outside of their homeland. However his journey to peace of mind as a Tibetan Heavy Metal artist in Canada is one that is uniquely his own. This groundbreaking documentary offers to bridge the gap and understanding of Metal Culture and the Struggle for a Free Tibet to a mainstream audience. With the hope of one day returning to a Free Tibet to rock out in the cafe’s of Lhasa, two unlikely causes find harmony through this journey of a dream, a dream that resonates to many.