Meeting August 13, 2012

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Meeting Minutes August 13 2012


  1. Design, Search function, Contact Us page
  2. Check-in from Researchers
    1. Geographical Representation
  3. Mandate, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer
  4. Organizing content - use Aspects or create more categories
  5. Community portal
  6. Continuing on past September launch
  7. Volunteers


David will report on design on Thursday (16th) meeting.


ie: science, politics, arts, community organizations

Rob - pulled out reports on the numbers in each category
David - we'll look for broader categories for now
Elena suggestion-
  1. Fine and Performing Arts: Visual, Multimedia, Literature, Music, Theatre, Dance, Film, Architecture, Fashion,
  2. Science and Technology: Science, Associations, Medicine,
  3. Communications : Journalism, Magazines, Associations,
  4. Society: Politics, Centres, Associations,
  5. Athletics: Athletes, Sports personalities,
  6. Research and Academia: Professors, Researchers,



Check-in with Researchers

  • Aiming to exceed our original goal of 400.
  • Update your profile if necessary - adding pictures, update biographies
  • Interest in recruiting volunteers for translating ACW material (esp. into asian languages). Janet has suggested contacts, Elena to contact.
  • Banner for recruiting volunteers for translation
  • Geographical representation - Rob will create profile about Asian immigration to Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut.
  • Articles - Rob will write one, Elena will write one
  • Elena will write press release/translation into French for September 10th

Mandate, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer

Approved until any changes are proposed.

Contact Us page

  • team [at]
  • Add note: ACW is volunteer-run. We aim for a 48-hour response time, however we cannot guarantee it.

Community portal

  • Add page with questions for the community to consider
  • Need at least 5 pages total

Next meeting: Thursday August 16 2012 - Design meeting