Meeting September 17, 2012

From Asian Canadian Wiki
Revision as of 01:51, 18 September 2012 by Aa elena (talk | contribs)
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  1. Design
  2. Soft Launch
  3. Hard Launch
  4. Importing AC Lists


  1. Front page – rough version for September 27

Soft Launch

  • Small group test - everyone to send out personalized messages for their contacts to send comments by next Sunday September 23rd

Hard Launch

  • Tuesday October 9th

Check-in with Researchers

  • Interest in recruiting volunteers for translating ACW material (esp. into asian languages). Elena to contact - No responses yet
  • Banner for recruiting volunteers for translation - No responses from translators
  • Articles - Rob will write one, Elena will write one
  • Elena will write press release/translation emailed out today for review
  • short article for women's suffrage website
  • addition of 400 new entries by end of November

Importing AC lists

  • Elena uploaded list to Googledocs. Just add names in appropriate column.

Next meeting: Monday September 24 6pm EST