Margaret Gallagher

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Margaret Gallagher



In April 2010, Margaret took the reins as host for CBC Radio One's Hot Air, CBC's longest running radio program.

Margaret has been a regular part of CBC Radio One's The Early Edition since 2001, and was the BC host of CBC Radio 2's Canada Live.

Margaret's ability to tune into the city and find stories off the beaten track has taken her up mountaintops, down back alleys, and through the heart of the city.

Margaret has won several awards including two prestigious National RTNDA (Radio-Television News Directors Association of Canada Awards) Dave Rogers Award for Best Radio Feature for her piece "Fade to Black", about the closing of the last drive-in in the Lower Mainland and one for "Gail the Golden Age Goalie" where we met a 77 year old goaltender who shows no signs of slowing down.

Prior to joining the CBC, Margaret was active on the arts scene and worked with the Western Front, the Video In and the Independent Film and Video Alliance. She has worked as an editor, a freelance writer, and technical communicator. Her previous work earned her an award of distinction from the International Society of Technical Communicators.

Actively involved in community outreach, Margaret has tirelessly donated her time and efforts to many Vancouver events. She has hosted dozens of events for a variety of arts and community groups, including: UBC & SFU Alumni Associations, Asian Heritage Month, The Vancouver International Jazz Festival, the Vancouver International Folk Music Festival and Hapa-pooloza.

In her varied career she has experienced many things, including a job dressing up as Barney Rubble and baking over 50,000 pieces of cheesecake (though not at the same time). Margaret's passions include playing ice hockey, food and chasing her rambunctious toddler all over town.

This article based on content from Original version: