Festival Accès Asie

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Festival Accès Asie




Festival Accès Asie, first formed as the Montreal Asian Heritage Festival, was founded on an Asian Heritage Month mandate established in the United States in 1976. This was further developed by the Toronto Asian Heritage Month Group in 1993. The national network of Asian Heritage Month groups and activities vary in mandate from arts presentations to forums, discussions to tributes of outstanding members from the Asian Canadian communities. The Montreal version of this mandate was revised to reflect Montreal's cultural climate.

Accès Asie was formed in 1995 to present all artistic disciplines in dance, comedy, theatre, video, film, visual arts, music, poetry, performance and new media. We feature artists with origins from over twenty countries : East Asia (Japan, China, Korea); Southeast Asia (Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore); South Asia (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka); Central & Middle Eastern Asia (Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan and Armenia).

Accès Asie Structure

Festival Accès Asie is Canada’s longest continuously running Asian heritage arts festival. To date, it has presented works of over 600 artists of Asian origin from more than 20 different countries.

Under the leadership of General Manager and Artistic Director, Khosro Berahmandi, Festival Accès Asie is a predominantly volunteer-based festival run by a small staff of employees and interns, a Board of Directors composed of artists and members of the Asian community as well as an Honorary Advisory Committee. In addition to federal and provincial funding organizations, the festival benefits from the generous support of partners, collaborators and sponsors. Festival Accès Asie is a bilingual organization offering events and activities in both official languages.

For more information, please visit our website at:www.accesasie.com