National Association of Japanese Canadians

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National Association of Japanese Canadians

Home page



The National Association of Japanese Canadians is a non-profit incorporated community organization in Canada that represents the Japanese Canadian community. Formed in 1947, the NAJC focuses on human rights and community development.

The NAJC successfully negotiated the historic Redress Settlement on behalf of all Japanese Canadians who suffered injustices at the hands of their own government during and after World War II when they were dispossessed, forcibly relocated and interned. On September 22, 1988, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and NAJC President Art Miki signed the redress agreement acknowledging the wrongs committed against Japanese Canadians.

Mission Statement=

To promote and develop a strong Japanese Canadian identity and thereby to strengthen local communities and the national organization; and To strive for equal rights and liberties for all persons-in particular, the rights of racial and ethnic minorities.


A strong, unified community founded on diversity and committed to human rights for all for the enrichment of Canada


To Advocate for Human Rights

  • By developing a strong public voice and profile on human rights issues, with priority given to Canadian issues, group issues, and Aboriginal rights
  • By relating our own history to present injustices
  • By supporting groups still seeking resolution of historic wrongs
  • By supporting and resourcing a national Human Rights Committee with a proactive strategy and communications plan through active representation of NAJC views to the media and public by our Executive Director
  • By attendance of the chair of the national Human Rights Committee at all NAJC Council meetings
  • By monitoring incidents of racism and human rights violations
  • By educating the JC community and general public on human rights issues
  • By liaising with other organizations in the promotion of human rights
  • By making vigorous representation in the development of policy and legislation

To Strengthen Communication . . .

Through more democratic structures and practices

  • By facilitating networking opportunities within regions and between chapters
  • By supporting and resourcing electronic communication between the national executive committee members and committee chairs
  • Through active visitation of the Executive Director and President to local chapters to communicate the NAJC vision and purpose

To Build Bridges

  • Between established and post-war Nikkei communities
  • Between cultural centres and NAJC chapters
  • Between the NAJC and JC arts groups
  • Between the NAJC and other national organizations
  • Between the NAJC and relevant international organizations

To Strengthen JC Identity . . .

Through history preservation

  • By getting our history into the school classroom
  • By supporting JC art and culture
  • By recognizing and valuing diversity within our community
  • By developing strong leadership in youth
  • By including non-JC spouses/partners in our activities
  • By maintaining continuity with our heritage language and culture

To Do Effective Fundraising

  • At the national level
  • At the local level

To Strengthen Local Chapters

  • By sponsoring and resourcing outreach initiatives at the local level
  • By providing technical assistance, knowledge and experience to support local activities
  • By promoting joint activities and events within and between chapters
  • By facilitating local bridge-building and mediation as requested
  • By encouraging initiatives/events that attract youth
  • By assisting locals to develop a varied program of activities with a wide range of appeal
  • By requiring funding applicants to have prior approval/support from their NAJC chapter

This article based on content from Original version: