Dr. Zhongping Chen

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Dr. Zhongping Chen

Dr. Zhongping Chen was born and grew up in China. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Nanjing University, and then taught at Nanjing Normal University. His field and documentary research on the Lower Yangzi cities and towns won the Social Science Award for Young Scholars from the State Commission for Education of China in 1987.

With a degree fellowship from the East-West Center at Honolulu, Zhongping studied at the University of Hawaii, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1998. From 1999 to 2001, Chen taught premodern and modern Chinese history, premodern and modern East Asian history, the history of the Asian diaspora, and the diplomatic history of the People's Republic of China at McGill University in Montreal. Subsequently Professor Chen taught modern Chinese history and world history at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario.

He joined the History Department at the University of Victoria in 2002.

Professor Chen is the Team Leader for the Major Collaborative Research Initiative, The Indian Ocean World: The Making of the First Global Economy in the Context of Human-Environment Interaction. Team 4 - The Zheng He Voyages. [1]

Principal Investigator

Victoria's Chinatown: A Gateway to the Past and Present of Chinese Canadians. [2]

Essays From Victoria's Chinatown

Chan Dun (1877-1957) A Victoria Businessman, Chinese Revolutionary, and Canadian Patriot [3]

Chinese Empire Ladies Reform Association [4]

Chinese Empire Reform Association: The First Worldwide Chinese Political Association [5]



Modern China’s Network Revolution: Chambers of Commerce and Sociopolitical Change in the Early Twentieth Century. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2011. [6]

爱国清官于谦 (Yu Qian: A National Hero and Upright Official in Ming China). 杭州(Hangzhou): 浙江古籍出版社(Zhejiang Classic Press), 2007.

江南区域史论著目录, 1900-2000 (A bibliography of articles and books on the history of the Lower Yangzi region, 1900-2000). 北京 (Beijing): 北京图书馆出版社(Beijing Library Press), 2007 (co-edited with唐力行et al).


“The May Fourth Movement and Provincial Warlords: A Reexamination.”Modern China (Los Angeles), 37. 2 (2011): 135-69. [7]

“明清江南城镇研究中的理论模式的反思: 平望和乍浦为中心” (An empirical reexamination of the theoretical models in the studies of cities and towns of the Lower Yangzi region during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912: The cases of Pingwang and Zhapu towns). 江南社会历史评论 (Historical review of the Lower Yangzi society) (Shanghai), 1 (2009): 13-32.

“长江下游商会与辛亥革命关系新探” (The Lower Yangzi chambers of commerce and the 1911 Revolution: A New Interpretation). 商会与近代中国政治变迁 (Chambers of commerce and political change in modern China), 李培德编, 29-49. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.

“Beneath the Republican Revolution, Beyond Revolutionary Politics: Elite Associations and Social Transformation in Lower Yangzi Towns, 1903-1912.” Late Imperial China (Baltimore), 28. 1 (2007): 92-127.

"Building the Chinese Diaspora across Canada: Chinese Diasporic Discourse and the Case of Peterborough, Ontario." Diaspora (Toronto), 13. 2-3 (2004): 185-210.

"Chinese Familism and Immigration Experience in Canadian Towns and Small Cities: From Dual Paradigms on the Chinese in Canada to a Cross-Cultural Study of the Case of Peterborough, Ontario, 1892-1951." Asian Profile (Vancouver), 32. 4 (2004): 289-312.

"Chinese Minority and Everyday Racism in Canadian Towns and Small Cities: An Ethnic Study of the Case of Peterborough, Ontario, 1892-1951." Canadian Ethnic Studies (Calgary), 36. 1 (2004): 71-91.

"The Quest for Elite Dominance, Associational Autonomy and Public Representation: The Lower Yangzi Chambers of Commerce in the 1911 Revolution." Twentieth-Century China (Ann Arbor), 27.2 (2002): 41-77.

"The Origins of Chinese Chambers of Commerce in the Lower Yangzi Region." Modern China (Los Angeles), 27. 2 (2001): 155-201.

"The Rise of Chinese Chambers of Commerce in Late Qing: Elite Opinion and Official Policy." Tradition and Metamorphosis in Modern Chinese History, pp. 1091-1113, ed. Yen-P'ing Hao and Hsiu-Mei Wei. Taibei: Academia Sinica, 1998.

"宋元明清时期江南市镇社会组织述论" (A narrative study of social organizations in the Lower Yangzi market towns during the Song-Yuan and Ming-Qing periods, 960-1912). 中国社会经济史研究 (Journal of socioeconomic history of China) (厦门), 1 (1993): 33-40.

"明清江南农村区域性专业化生产考察" (Zonal specialization of rural productions in the Lower Yangzi region during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 清代区域社会经济史研究 (Studies of regional socioeconomic history of Qing China), pp. 263-79, ed. Ye Xian'en. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1992.

"明清江南地区市场考察" (A study of the Lower Yangzi marketing system during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 中国经济史研究 (Journal of economic history of China) (北京), 2 (1990): 23-40.

"明清时期长江珠江三角洲商品经济发展的比较"(A comparative study of the development of commodity economies in the Yangzi River Delta and the Pearl River Delta during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 学术研究 (Journal of academic studies) (广州), 5 (1989): 64-77.

"明清时期宁镇常地区市镇研究" (A study of market towns in Nanjing, Zhenjiang and Changzhou prefectures of the Lower Yangzi region during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 江苏论考 (Historical studies of Jiangsu Province), pp. 213-32, ed. the Jiangsu Historical Association. Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1989.

"明清时期江南农村经济多样化的发展" (The diversification of rural economy in the Lower Yangzi region during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 中国农史 (Journal of agricultural history of China) (南京), 3 (1988): 1-10.

"明清时期南京城市的发展与演变" (The development and transformation of the city of Nanjing during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 中国社会经济史研究 (Journal of socioeconomic history of China) (厦门), 1 (1988): 39-46.

"明清时期江南市镇人口考察" (A demographic study of Lower Yangzi cities and towns during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 南京师大学报 (Journal of Nanjing Normal University) (南京), 4 (1988): 89-96.

"明清时期江南市镇手工业的发展" (The development of handicraft industries in Lower Yangzi cities and towns during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 南京师大学报 (Journal of Nanjing Normal University) (南京), 4 (1987): 87-93.

"明清时期江南市镇的牙人与牙行" (Brokers and brokerage houses in Lower Yangzi cities and towns during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 中国经济史研究 (Journal of economic history of China) (Beijing), 2 (1987): 31-38.

"明清时期江南市镇的布号与布庄"(Small and wholesale trading agencies in the cotton cloth business of Lower Yangzi cities and towns during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 江淮论坛 (Anhui tribune) (合肥), 2 (1987): 90-96.

"明清徽商在江南市镇的活动" (Huizhou merchants and their activities in Lower Yangzi cities and towns during the Ming-Qing period, 1368-1912). 江淮论坛 (Anhui tribune) (合肥), 2 (1986): 58-64.

"太湖流域市镇名称形成演变的特点及其规律" (The formation and evolution of the names of the Lower Yangzi cities and towns), 南京师大学报 (Journal of Nanjing Normal University) (南京), 3 (1985): 92-98.

"明清时期盛泽镇丝绸业的初步调查" (A primary findings report on the silk-fabric industry and trade around the town of Shengze from the 1360s to the 1980s). 平准学刊 (Pingzhun Journal) (北京), 2 (1985): 517-49 (Coauthored with Lü Zuoxie).

"郑和下西洋与明初江南经济的发展" (The voyages of Zheng He and the economic development of the Lower Yangzi region in the early Ming period), in 郑和下西洋纪念论文集 (Collection of Essays on Zheng He's voyages), pp. 1-14. Nanjing: Nanjing Daxue Chubanshe, 1985.

Newspaper Essays

Our Past: An assassination in Victoria (On Sept. 1, 1918, a political assassination happened in downtown Victoria, but nine decades later, it has remained a mystery in many aspects). Times Colonist (Victoria), August 31, 2008. [8]


Panel 5: “1911 and Its Global Context.” Center for Chinese Studies, School of Pacific and Asian Studies, and Confucius Institute at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa present “Rethinking the Chinese Revolution: 1911 in Global Perspective” A Conference in Commemoration of the 1911 Revolution March 28–30, 2011 Keoni Room, Imin Conference Center, East-West Center. [9]

Face of UVic Research [10]