Ginger Garden

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Ginger Garden




Ginger Garden 2014 is a gathering to eat, drink, and talk about burning questions and projects in the arts, education and community building.

Those who identify themselves as 1st arrivals/ 1st generation Asians, to Canada are invited to present their works.

Each presentation will be followed by Q & A and discussion. The intent of Ginger Garden is to create a space for the sharing and exchange of ideas and to highlight self representations of Asian Canadians. The presenters’ bios, descriptions, and video presentations will be available on:

Date: Tues. August 19, 2014
Time : 5 -9 pm
Place : Simone de Beauvoir Institute, 2170 Bishop, Montreal
To get a sense of the event, please go to: Chinese Tea Salon in Montreal

Presentations will be available soon. For discussion, you are invited to join Chinese Tea Salon in Montreal, Progressive Chinese Montrealers Social Club or Asian Canadian Wiki on Facebook.

Chinese Tea Salon in Montreal 2013

This event is a special occasion with a visiting professor at Concordia, Olive/Li Hui, who teaches in China about Chinese Canadian writers and exciting post doc pre doc and interested Chinese Montrealers working on engaging subjects. Some of the presenters are: Tracy Zhang, Alice Jim, Alan Wong, Cheryl Sim, Chen Fang, Joanne Hui, Parker Mah and Leslie Cheung.

Anyone can take the floor as an impromptu 5 mins. presentation. This gathering is inspired from tea house in China, (茶館, cháguăn or 茶屋, cháwū), traditionally similar to the American cafe but centred on tea and to chat, eat and socialize. As a potluck where each contributes a dish or refreshments to share collectively, please also bring your own plate, utensils, cup etc. to minimalize any waste.

You are most welcome to present for 5 mins. on your doc post doc or interests. Please contact us. Presenter descriptions and video presentations will be available on:

Event Date: Wed. July 24, 2013 Time: 5-9 pm Place: Simone de Beauvoir Institute, 2170 Bishop

See you soon!!

Cordially yours,

Tea Salon team and "Asian Canadian Wiki" <>,

This Montreal tea salon was first inspired and is based on the many tea houses by Mary Wong.

Event Schedule

5 pm- sharing potluck meal and chatting

6 pm- presenters: Olive, Alice (no video), Tracy, Alan, Cheryl, Leslie (5 mins. presentation + 5 mins. Q&A x 6 presenters = 60 mins.)

7 pm-break

7: 20 presenters: Parker, Fang, Joanne (no video), Rajee (no video) (5 mins. presentation + 5 mins. Q&A x 5 presenters = 50 mins. + one impromptu presenter @ 10 mins.

8:20 pm-break

8:40 pm-2 impromptu presenters & Q&A = 20 mins.

9 pm-break

Presenters Descriptions and Bios


Olive Li Hui

Associate Professor, The Canadian Studies Center, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University Chinese Canadian Women Writers

Ever since the emergence of the Chinese Canadian literature more than 100 years ago, the Chinese Canadian women writers have been writing actively about their unique living experiences and spiritual quest. My research is about the major Chinese Canadian women writers to highlight their contributions not only to the Chinese Canadian literature but also to the Chinese Canadians’ history.
File:A CV from Olive.pdf
File:Chinese Canadian Women Writers.pdf