Montreal Serai

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Montreal Serai




Hello, there! Bonsoir! My name is Maya and I am a Montreal Serai old-timer which means I’m young enough to remember – je me souviens – but old enough to know better! Before I begin reading my poem I should like to clarify a few misconceptions. Our masthead says that our name is derived from the Persian word for resting place or place of transience. This etymology is absolutely correct. Many of us came to Montreal to rest from turmoil, to learn, to test the waters (or the proverbial snow) and to consolidate our position before returning home to make a mark there. But Montreal has now become our physical dwelling and Montreal Serai is where our spirit dwells. What is absolutely untrue is that Montreal Serai is a resting place. Just the opposite: it is a space for artistic experimentation, intellectual ferment, political questioning and the creation of a new paradigm for what it means to be human. It is not an exclusive club but rather an inclusive longhouse where we can meet on equal terms and discuss our joint future on this planet earth. The Montreal part of our name has spilled into those corners of the world where there is a cyber-link and the Serai part no longer means transience but endurance. We have endured 23 years and with your help, we shall certainly overcome. ¡Que será …Serai!

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