Jo-Anne Lee

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Jo-Anne Lee


Victoria B.C.

Dr. Jo-Anne Lee is a Associate Professor in Women's Studies at the University of Victoria.

Trained as a sociologist, Dr. Lee's research focuses on anti-racist, decolonizing feminist theory and practice. She has a background in adult education, community development and organizing with women and girls in urban settings. She writes and researches in the areas of immigrant women, North American Asian feminisms and Asian Canadian feminisms, feminist participatory action research and girlhood studies. Her path- breaking work in participatory action research uses popular theatre, video documentaries, digital media, and arts based methods.

She is a past President of CRIAW, the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, Canada's only independent national feminist research institute. She is the Acting Director for the Centre for Cooperative and Community Based Economy (CCCBE) in 2012.

Research Interests

Racialized and Indigenous Girls and Young Women Feminist Participatory Action Research Asian North American feminisms Courses Designed and Taught WS 211 Contested Girlhoods WS 324A Girl Power and Feminisms WS 334 What's Race Got to Do With It? WS 335A Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) WS 336 Anti-Racist Feminisms and Democratic Futures WS 338 Transnationalism, Migration and Gender SJS 400A Seminar: Social Justice Studies

Selected Publications

Books J. Lee & R. Wong (Eds.) Active Geographies: Women and Struggles on the Left Coast, Special Issue of West Coast Line, 58, 2008. J. Lee & J. Lutz (Eds.) Situating Race and Racisms in Space, Time and Theory, Montreal: McGill Queens University Press. 2005. Journal Articles Lee, J. "Immigrant girls as caregivers to younger siblings: a transnational feminist analysis", Gender and Education, March (2010): 1-15. with Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. First published on: March 31, 2010 (iFirst) DOI: 10.1080/0954025100367406 Lee, J. "On Citizenship, Transnationalism, Belonging and Racialized Girls’ Identities", 2008. Directions, 4.2:30-37. Lee, J. "Gender, Ethnicity, and Hybrid Forms of Community-Based Urban Activism in Vancouver, 1957-1978: The Strathcona story revisited", Gender, Place and Culture, 2007. August 14.4: 381-408. Chapters in Books Hankivsky, O.; de Leeuw, S.: Lee, J.; Vissandjee, B.; Khanlou, N. "Introduction: Purpose, Overview and Contribution". In Hankivsky, O. (Ed.) with de Leeuw, S.: Lee, J.; Vissandjee, B.; & Khanlou, N. Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2011. Lee, J. & A. Sum. "Exploring Health and Identity Through Photovoice, Intersectionality and Transnational Feminisms: Voices of Racialized Young Women", In Hankivsky, O. (Ed.) with de Leeuw, S.: Lee, J.; Vissandjee, B.; & Khanlou, N. Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2011. Lee, J. "Intersectional Feminist Frameworks in Practice: CRIAW's Journey toward Intersectional Feminist Frameworks, Implications for Equity in Health", In In Hankivsky, O. (Ed.) with de Leeuw, S.: Lee, J.; Vissandjee, B.; & Khanlou, N. Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2011. Lee, J. "Immigrant Women Workers in the Immigrant Settlement Sector". In Daily Struggles: The deepening racialization and feminization of poverty in Canada. M.A. Wallis & S-M Kwok. (Eds.) 2008: 103-112. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc. (Reprint, originally published in Canadian Women’s Studies, 19.3 1999: 97-103). Lee, J. "Canaries in a cage: Racialised girls living, in, through, under and over whiteness: Issues of citizenship, identity and social cohesion on the edge of empire", In N. Angeles and P. Gurstein. Eds. Engaging Civil Societies in Democratic Planning and Governance. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2007: 59-88. Lee, J. "Poverty, Social Exclusion, and Racialized Girls and Young Women.” In Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Eds. L. Tepperman & H. Dickinson. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press. 2007: 238-242. Video Documentaries Finding Our Space. Video Documentary with Veronica Pacini Ketchabaw, Winnie Chow. 2009.University of Victoria and Antidote, 30 min.


BC Representative of Children and Youth Cultural Heritage and Diversity Award of Excellence awarded to antidote: racialized and Indigenous Girls and Women's Network, December 3, 2009


Co-Founder and President: Antidote: Multiracial and Indigenous Women’s Network Past President: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) Past Executive Board member: Canadian Women’s Studies Association Member: Asian Canadian Studies Network, National Women’s Studies Association, Canadian Asian Studies Association, International Sociological Association