Beijing Foreign Studies University Chinese Canadian Library Collection

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Beijing Foreign Studies University Chinese Canadian Library Collection



'Book Donation Project of BFSU -- Introduction':

In Sept. 2013, a group of four Chinese Canadian writers visited Beijing Foreign Studies University to give a roundtable talk on their individual writing as well as Chinese Canadian literature in general. This meeting not only left a very pleasant impression on both sides but inspired a book donation project that soon involved dozens of writers and scholars on the other side of the Pacific. Initiated by Denise Chong, writer and former senior advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, this project was warmly embraced by Chinese Canadian authors such as Judy Fong Bates, Paul Yee, Anthony Chan, to name a few, and scholars interested in Chinese Canadian Studies such as John Price and Pat Parungao. The Canadian Studies program of the University of Toronto and several publishers including Random House also made generous contributions.

Under the efficient organization of Jim Wong-Chu, poet, historian and founding member of the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop, nearly 300 books, films and journals were gathered from across Canada and sent across the ocean. They are now shelved in a special section within the China Canadian Studies Resource Centre at the University Library of BFSU, accessible to readers all over the country. Hopefully they will provide a much needed resource for Canadianists in China and give rise to many scholarly writings and ideas.

This page is created to recognize the generosity and passion of these donors, though it is far from enough to express our gratitude. The project is ongoing and we hope more people can join us in making a Chinese Canadian Canon.

For those interested in Asian Canadian writing, the following lists will prove helpful.

Booklist on Asian Canadian writing compiled by a group of authors:

List of Asian Canadian authors and their works as compiled by Val Lem, librarian of Ryerson University: