Celebration 15: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women in Ontario

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Celebration "15": Voices of Chinese Canadian Women in Ontario[edit]

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Celebration 15: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women in Ontario



In partnership with the Toronto Public Library, the East Asian Women Empowerment group celebrate Ontario's 150th birthday and Asian Heritage month by honouring 15 Chinese Canadian women who have contributed to the changing history of our nation and another 15 women who strengthen our communities everyday at the Toronto Reference Library.

Celebration "15:" Voices of Chinese Canadian Women is an event being organized to recognize fifteen Chinese Canadian women who have devoted tireless passion, time and commitment to shaping Canada and Ontario over the last 15 decades; women who have provided leadership in the arts, civic engagement, culture, education, and community building will be highlighted and honoured. An additional 15 Chinese Canadian women from everyday life will also be featured to capture glimpses of a promising future that are in their hands.

These profiles will be the first of many more to come, broadening the recognition beyond Chinese Canadians to include other Asian Canadian women. Although the first 15+15 will be posted and launched on May 10th, others can be added on this website by nature of the collaborative nature of a wiki that allows the addition of content directly by users. There will also be a tie-in to the Library's Chinese Canadian Archives as three of the women to be recognized (Jean Lumb, Judy Fong Bates, and Valerie Mah) are represented in the archives.

Honourable 15+ recipients: Adrienne Clarkson, Vivienne Poy, Jean Lumb, Valerie Mah, Alexina Louie, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Olivia Chow, Avvy Go, Gretta Grant, Judy Fong Bates, Sook Yin Lee, Rita Tsang, Mary Wong, Denise Chong, Pearl Sullivan, and Dora Nipp

Community +15 recipients: Maria Yau, Nicole Wong, Irene Kuan, Michelle Li, Karen BK Chan, Yvonne Tsang, Ruth Lor Malloy, Eva Chan, Lisa Mar, Gloria Yu, Helen Poon, Melissa Lai, Kristen Yee Long, Maria Sun, and Emily Cheung

Please check out the profiles of the 15+15 women on Asian Canadian Wikipedia.