Sid Tan

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Sid Tan



Sid Tan is long known for his activism in highlighting awareness of the injustices of the Chinese Canadian head tax and a community organizer for a number of non-government organizations. He was the Chairman of the Chinese Canadian National Council [1] and the founding director and co-chairperson of the Head Tax Families Society of Canada [2]. Sid was the founding director and President of the Association of Chinese Canadians for Equality and Solidarity Society and a founding director of the CMES Community Media Education Society and Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop. He is a community activist concerned with environmental and human rights and social justice issues. He has produced and crewed hundreds of hours of community television programming, much of it national and international award winning. He is presently co-chairman of the Sierra Club Lower Mainland Group, a director of the Sierra Club of British Columbia and Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians and acting chairman of the Media Caucus of the British Columbia Environmental Network. He is active in ICTV, an Independent Community Television Co-operative in Vancouver.