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===Development Meeting Minutes===
===[ Development Meeting Minutes]===
====Meeting Minutes====
====Meeting Minutes====
Please find below a summary of Thursday's meeting, May 23, 2013.
Please find below a summary of Thursday's meeting, May 23, 2013.

Revision as of 23:48, 3 August 2013

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Asian Canadian Wiki


Asian Canadian wiki is a website dedicated to promoting Asian Canadian community and is a database of all things Asian Canadian - from artists, scientists, leaders, to cultural centres, community organizations and festivals.

Vision Statement

The Asian Canadian Wiki team is dedicated to working to end all forms of discrimination, including racism and stereotyping.

Who Are We

We are a collective of like-minded Canadians who believe in the democratization and accessibility of information sharing.

Setup and ongoing guidance provided by David Mason of zooid organisation.

History and News

The intent of this site was to gather like-minded Asian Canadians from arts and cultural communities to participate in a Asian Heritage Symposium in Montreal in 2010. Locating Asian Canadian artists, arts organizations, communities and centres was a challenging process. We realized that connecting these communities required more research and development.

The was soon created by compiling renowned artists, established artist organizations, and re-usable third-party information into a online resource. Spearheaded by Festival Accès Asie, the site was created by a small team of dedicated volunteers to realize objectives for the National Asian Heritage Month Symposium.

With funding from Canada Council for the Arts and with your support, in 2012 we “kickstarted” with design elements and substantial and credible content. Our hope is that the site will have the necessary visibility and participation to foster connection, culture and community.

2010 Asian Heritage Symposium

In September 2010, Accès Asie (aka Montreal Asian Heritage Festival) hosted a national Asian Heritage Symposium in Montreal. The symposium offered discussion and coaching activities led by speakers who are known for their leadership in the respective areas of cultural strategy, fundraising strategies and diversity-equity policy implementation.

Who Is Asian?

The definition of "Asian" includes people of mixed race, and/or those who ethnically identify themselves as Asian. It could also be defined geographically and may apply to people who come from or whose ancestors come from any of the countries considered part of "Asia"m

Asia is generally defined as comprising the eastern four-fifths of Eurasia. It is located to the east of the Suez Canal and the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains (or the Kuma-Manych Depression) and the Caspian and Black Seas.[4][5] It is bounded on the east by thePacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic Ocean.

East Asia

Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan

Southeast Asia

Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore

South Asia

Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka

Central & Middle Eastern Asia

Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Armenia

Canada Council of the Arts


This project was made possible by Canada Council of the Arts in 2012.

Contact Us

asiancanadianwiki[at] or write on our Discussion page

This article based on content from

Development Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Please find below a summary of Thursday's meeting, May 23, 2013.

Attendance: Robert, Adrienne, David, Elena

1) Outreach

- Attendees discussed important outreach venues (such as the Asian Canadian conference in Victoria) and how ACW could tap into these networks in the future (nobody from ACW will be going to the conference).

2) Website review

- Attendees reviewed website and discussed minor changes that needed to be made with David (who attended to them right away).

3) Visioning Session in Montreal

- It became apparent throughout the meeting that an in-person meeting for ACW would be extremely useful as a visioning session regarding the following questions:

What next for ACW in terms of content? What do we want to be? How do we get there? We need an outreach strategy, we should meet to discuss what this would look like. Are there any outstanding concerns with the wiki that we want to address (rather than individual feedback to David, we should all come together, find out what we all collectively want from the site and go in with a single unified ask.

While it might be possible to do this visioning session via Skype, doing it in person would guarantee attendance, allow for dim sum, and really allow us to hash out next steps for the project. It was initially suggested that we meet in July in Montreal for the visioning session. This would allow each of us to reflect on the above questions and have an idea of where they see the website going.

Meeting Minutes

Please find below a summary of the Montreal meeting, July 14, 2013.

Attendance: Robert, Adrienne, David, Elena, Janet, Heesung

1) Envisioning what AC Wiki needs (Brainstorm)

Those in attendance discussed what worked well from 2012-2013 for the AC Wiki, and then brainstormed what we felt the site needed (either in coming year, or in general). All ideas were documented to ensure everyone's ideas were voiced.

  • Updates, contributions, posts, new profile at least once a week not from the core team.
  • Using the wiki as a place as an academic tag, encouraging students to post about their work, thesis (Asian Canadian Studies Network, online network for academics)
  • Creating side projects, features to encourage traffic and participation
  • Website link provider for various networks in the community
  • Link of the facebook group on the acwiki website on front page
  • Video for a how to contribute on acwiki
  • Reorganize design of the contribute page
  • Youtube widget up and running, copy text from tea-salon
  • Contribute videos, simplify contribute page
  • Compilation of Asian Canadian networks
  • Contact AC networks to share links on their page with us – join FB page for updates
  • Asian Canadian Tumblr
  • Clarification of the role of the wiki
  • Asian Canadian news – shared on the FB page
  • Create AC wiki as a company on LinkedIn

2) Visioning for 2013-2014 (core objectives)

Following the brainstorming session, the team worked to filter the brainstormed ideas into 3 core objectives that were are achievable in the coming year.

  • Increase ease of access to the website
  • Increase visibility and community engagement of AC Wiki
  • Increase multimedia use in AC Wiki

3) Next Steps and Deliverables (actionable items)

Following the resolution of the 3 core objectives, the team worked to create concrete deliverables for each, to ensure work against them could be concretely measured. These action items are listed below, based on the objective.

  • Increase ease of access to the website

- Robert to lead and change the 'Contribute' section of the site to be more user friendly - Ideas suggested include creating a video, using pictures, and moving sections of the 'Contribute' away from the main page so it looks less intimidating - Action: Robert to implement the suggestions above

  • Increase visibility and community engagement of AC Wiki

- Whole team to work on expanding the visibility on the site - Adrienne to continue developing FB articles to share with FB friends on the AC Wiki FB page - Adrienne to create an AC Wiki Tumblr to share her FB articles with those who do not use FB - Janet to compile a list of AC community organizations and contact them to remind them we exist and would be interested in their support (either in terms of link sharing ,or better yet, having them become active users of AC Wiki) - Goal: by July 2014, incrase the amount of average traffic we had from 2012-2013 in 2013-2014; have at least 50 new users register onto the site (average of 1 per week)

  • Increase multimedia use in AC Wiki

- David just included the ability to embed Youtube videos into articles - Goal: to have at least 30 articles with YouTube videos embedded