Asian Canadian Studies (network)

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Asian Canadian Studies (network)


online is a global network of academic and community researchers that promotes university-community partnerships to advance Asian-Canadian studies as a distinct field of study, research and cultural production for social justice.

Respecting Canada’s Indigenous foundations, this project values inclusivity (networking Asian-Canadian communities and all who support Asian-Canadian studies), transnationalism (challenging nationalist narratives and emphasizing the trans-Pacific region as a borderless terrain), and transformation (valuing participatory research and production for change).

This website was initiated by Henry Yu and John Price as a means of promoting Asian Canadian Studies and networking interested peoples across Canada and globally. Our thanks to Kirsten McAllister, Jo-Anne Lee and Roland Coloma for their assistance in developing the interim mission statement. We hope to establish a steering committee to oversee the development of the website in the near future. Our thanks also to Brian Smallshaw and Joel Legassie for their dedicated efforts to create this website.

This article based on content from Original version: