Asian Canadian Studies (network)
online 45° 29' 2.09" N, 73° 28' 1.63" W Arts Academia/Research Group is a global network of academic and community researchers that promotes university-community partnerships to advance Asian-Canadian studies as a distinct field of study, research and cultural production for social justice.
Respecting Canada’s Indigenous foundations, this project values inclusivity (networking Asian-Canadian communities and all who support Asian-Canadian studies), transnationalism (challenging nationalist narratives and emphasizing the trans-Pacific region as a borderless terrain), and transformation (valuing participatory research and production for change).
This website was initiated by Henry Yu and John Price as a means of promoting Asian Canadian Studies and networking interested peoples across Canada and globally. Our thanks to Kirsten McAllister, Jo-Anne Lee and Roland Coloma for their assistance in developing the interim mission statement. We hope to establish a steering committee to oversee the development of the website in the near future. Our thanks also to Brian Smallshaw and Joel Legassie for their dedicated efforts to create this website.