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Canada has long been a part of the Asia Pacific sphere. The Historica-Dominion Institute Asia/Canada web site explores the relationship between East and West from earliest times, when dreams of finding Cathay fired the imaginations of the explorers, to the Asia Canada experience in the present day, when Asians make up an ever more visible presence in the Canadian mosaic and Asia’s economic importance to Canada is growing. The web site discusses the Asian experience in Canada, the evolution of Canadian society itself, from exclusion to greater tolerance and an embrace of diversity, and Canada’s role as a Pacific nation.

The narrative and visual resources of the site make it an effective source for teachers, students and the general public about Canadians’ changing perspectives toward Asia and Canada’s economic engagement with the Asia Pacific region. It also speaks to today's youth, recognizing that, while they may be at ease with the concepts of transnationalism and a world that is linked globally, they may not be conscious that globalization is not something new: it has happened through the centuries.

This article based on content from URL of site. Original version: