Virtual Museum of Asian Canadian Cultural Heritage
Toronto 43° 39' 12.53" N, 79° 23' 2.16" W Group
Started in 2008, the Virtual Museum of Asian Canadian Cultural Heritage (VMACCH), showcases the cultural experiences and expressions of Asian Canadians in a variety of capacities from across Canada. It strives to provide insight into how this demographic experiences life in Canada, how Asian Canadians choose to express their traditional culture and heritage, and what these expressions and experiences mean to Asian Canadian communities. The project is funded by Canadian Heritage's 'Gateway' Fund.
The Objectives of the Virtual Museum of Asian Canadian Cultural Heritage (VMACCH) are:
- To provide opportunities for Asian Canadians to share their heritage and to promote a better understanding of Asian heritage by focusing annually on the month of May, designated as Asian Heritage Month.
- To enrich Canadian culture by building on the achievement of Asian Canadians
- To achieve full participation by Asian Canadians in the cultural life of Canada
- To build cultural bridges between Asian countries and regions.
- To encourage education of Asian heritage and culture within the broader public
- To establish a relationship and to co-operate with other persons, parties or Corporations with similar or parallel purposes.
In showcasing Asian Canadian heritage, VMACCH enables Asian Canadians to share their heritage among themselves and with the rest of Canada. It exhibits the achievements and contributions of Asian Canadians to Canada. Featuring works by Asian Canadian artists, it encourages participation in the cultural life of Canada. The website is meant to connect Asian culture to other cultures, and show that it is part of the overarching Canadian culture. It is also a valuable teaching resource on Asian heritage and culture to schools, and the preparation of the website involves collaborations with various parties including other voluntary organizations like Social Service Network, and the Chinese Canadian Photographic Society of Toronto, and mainstream museums such as the Gardiner Museum and the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.